Find out what you NEED to do so you can do what you WANT to do.

Sign up for the waitlist NOW so you can #fixyourshit and start enjoying your training again.



    Want to get stronger? Need to figure out how to get your chest up on your squats? Want to decrease back pain when you deadlift? Then you need to know more about your body. Sign up for this 3 day assessment and learn more about what you could be working on in order to lift easier and more comfortably. Start your next training session knowing exactly where you are, what you can and cannot do, and what you need to do to maximize your time in the gym and get strong AF!

    What is #FIXITFORMula?

    A deep dive into learning about how you move and why you are moving that way. Over the course of one week, I will coach you through an in depth assessment. Together, we will figure out how your body moves, what your strengths are, what your weaknesses may be, and what to do with the findings. This is your chance learn what your body needs in order to do what you want it to do. If you don't know, you can't fix it.

    How does #FIXITFORMula work?

    Download your 15 page digital PDF.

    Get to work!

    Be sure to watch the call replays so you know exactly what you need to do each day.

    • Day 1: The movement screen + Isometrics
    • Day 2: Squat test + Single leg/arm testing
    • Day 3: Hinge test + What do you do now?


    If you truly want to find out WHY you're all fucked up, you're gonna have to do some digging. Be sure to shoot over any questions you might have via email.

    Now get back up there and sign the hell up!!